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Marketing is the process of getting people interested in the goods and services being sold.

Own your marketing channels, contents, identities; use tools as a means to meet your marketing needs.

Do not rely on Press but treat as just another channel for the occassional burst. Make an 'intrinsically viral' - people should be happy sharing it to their friends.

Growth never last forever, keep tweaking and tuning growth, always.

  • Define a larger cause. Start by explaining the cause. e.g. "need to increase farm yields"
  • Articulate the problem better than anyone else
  • attack the status quo
  • define a category. this category is the solution.
  • build the right team
  • use "grass roots" customer testimoney
  • release news in lightning strikes, not dribs and dreabs
  • organize events to focus attention
  • nurture your community
  • pick noble fights
  • strive for a large tent
  • work with press and inluencers in the right way
  • stay grounded
  • don't clown yourself. back up your claims and avoid aggrandizing and arrogant language.
