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North Star

  1. Define a crystal clear north star. The best north star is A SIMPLE, measurable metric.
  2. Hire uncomfortably good people.
  3. Create a culture of urgency.
  4. Make sure no one gets blocked.
  5. Occasionally take big swings. And when you do, go ALL IN!
  6. Nail the attitude. Enthusiasm, hard work, care for each other.

Now imagine a company with;

  1. A clear north star
  2. Exceptional people
  3. Urgency at every corner
  4. Empowered teammates
  5. Fearless risk taking
  6. And a great attitude

… that’s a WINNER!

What is our current North Star?

The #1 question to start with: Which metric, if it were to increase today, would most accelerate my business’ flywheel?

Type of company: Consumer subscription products (Most SaaS Companies) Most common North Star Metric: Engagement or customer growth

Broadly, there are six categories of North Star Metrics:

Revenue (e.g. ARR, GMV): The amount of money being generated — the focus of ~50% of companies.

Customer growth (e.g. paid users, marketshare): The number of users who are paying — the focus of ~35% of companies.

Consumption growth (e.g. messages sent, nights booked): The intensity of usage of your product, beyond simply visiting your site — the focus of ~30% of companies.

Engagement growth (e.g. MAU, DAU) The number of users who are simply active in your product — the focus of ~30% of companies.

Growth efficiency (e.g. LTV/CAC, margins) The efficiency at which you spend vs. make money — the focus of ~10% of companies.

User experience (e.g. NPS) The measure of how enjoyable and easy to use customers find the product experience, overall — the focus of ~10% of companies.
