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Founding Sales

Founding Sales is a book by Pete Kazanjy.

How to use the Book

The book is written in stages -- sales efforts -- will typically take a stepwise path where subsequent stages build on the prior stages. The book is s resource you can come back to frequently, like a textbook, when you need to refresh yourself on something, or when you’re about to enter a new stage of your sales maturity process, and need to see what’s coming next.

Who is this Book for

The book is specifically for founders who are leading organizations that have a B2B, direct sales model that involves sales professionals engaging in verbal, commercial conversations with buyers.

Many examples in the book are targeted specifically to the realm of B2B SAAS software, and specifically as regards new, potentially innovative or disruptive offerings that are being brought to market for the first time. In short, direct sales of the sort a B2B SAAS software startup would engage in.

  • Embrace Plenty, Not Scarcity
  • Put Activity Above All Else
  • Be Direct and Get Down to Business
  • Build Many Shallow Relationships
  • Assume the Sale is Inevitable, and It Just Might Be
  • Expect to Win, but Be Unfazed by Rejection
  • Record Everything—But Efficiently
  • Be Expert & Authoritative. It Begets Fearlessness.
  • Make Yourself at Home in a Glass House
  • Remember, Sales IS about Math
  • Mindsets that Build on Each Other